Moramanga, May 26, 2022

Five community-based associations (COBAs) around the Ambatovy Mine Site in Moramanga, supported by Ambatovy on various levels, were able to renew their transfer of natural resource management contracts for ten years on May 24 and 25, 2022. Having successfully completed the first two phases of 3 years each, and following conclusive evaluations conducted by the Environment and Sustainable Development Authority (CIREDD) in Moramanga, three COBAs – Ezaka sy Fandrosoana, Ambohimanarivo Ala Maintso (AAM) and Miaro ny Tontolo Iainana (MTI)- signed with CIREDD Moramanga and the Rural Commune of Ambohibary the renewal of their respective natural resource management contracts, on May 24, 2022 in Ampitambe, Moramanga. Velonaina (Marovoay) and Telomira (Ambohibolakely) signed theirs in Marovoay, in the Rural Commune of Morarano Gara, Moramanga, the following day. Ambatovy provided technical support to these COBAs regarding natural resource management, as well as assistance in improving their members’ income-generating activities in order to reduce their dependence on forest resources. The Malagasy Government has entrusted the management of certain natural resources around the Ambatovy Conservation Area to nine COBAs, seven of which work directly with the company.