Press Releases
Rail transport: Safety first
Safety and health, a non-negotiable priority for Ambatovy, is one of the strong messages that the company shared with the general public during the two-day celebration of the World Railway [...]
Natural Resource Management Transfer: Five Community-Based Associations Renewed Their Contracts for Ten Years
Moramanga, May 26, 2022 Five community-based associations (COBAs) around the Ambatovy Mine Site in Moramanga, supported by Ambatovy on various levels, were able to renew their transfer of natural resource [...]
Signature of a collaboration agreement between Ambatovy and the Ministry of National Education
Antananarivo, May 20, 2022. Ambatovy’s Vice-President in charge of Sustainability, Philippe Beaulne, and Minister Marie Michelle Sahondrarimalala signed a collaboration agreement on May 20, in Anosy, in Antananarivo, to provide [...]