To date, 4,000 chicks have been distributed to farmers in the communes of Ampasimadinika, Brickaville and Ambinaninony in the framework of the Harenasoa poultry project, funded by Ambatovy’s Social Investment Fund. This project has enabled the construction of 48 farms in four communes located along Ambatovy’s pipeline: Ampasimadinika, Ambinaninony, Mahatsara, and Brickaville. Eight of these farms are currently operating and serving as pilot farms to ensure inexperienced farmers develop expertise in modern husbandry. The remaining farms are waiting for the delivery of their chicks before starting their production activity. Farmers from the commune of Mahatsara will also receive 2,000 chicks in the coming weeks. The first production of this first stage is expected by mid-September for communes who received their chicks in the early days of August. At the end of the first stage, other farmers will, in turn, receive their chicks in order to start production, with the goal that farmers share their experience with one another regarding best rearing techniques. As a reminder, the Harenasoa project is part of the social projects funded by the Social Investment Fund (SIF), through which Ambatovy is committed to working with the Government and the regions to invest $25 million in social and infrastructure projects for the benefit of the population. This project provides employment for approximately fifty farmers in the concerned communes. Ultimately, chickens produced by the farms will be purchased by a partner of the Harenasoa project.

Chicks distributed to farmers