As part of its commitment to environmental protection, Ambatovy launched an awareness campaign in August 2014 among the population living around the Vohimana-Ankerana forest, in the Municipality of Maroseranana, Brickaville District. The campaign aims at informing the entire local community about the benefits that the ecosystems of the Vohimana-Ankerana forest and the entire Ankeniheny Zahamena Corridor provide the local population, while also instilling best practices in alternative activities favorable to the environment, such as food crops and cash crops. During the campaign, Ambatovy will also reward farmers who are enthusiastic about cultivating cash crops in this locality. Likewise, and in order to instill positive behavior changes toward the protection of the environment among teachers and students, a 12-month sub-program for the integration of environmental education in 17 schools, including 2 CEG and 15 EPP, has also been implemented.

Awareness session in Maroseranana