Toamasina, April 9, 2019: Ambatovy donated 13 computer servers, worth over 150 million Ariary, to
the University of Toamasina, on Tuesday, April 9, 2019. This donation, which is part of the projects
resulting from the Ambatovy-Atsinanana Regional Dialogue Structure (SDRA), aims to strengthen the
capacity of the University of Toamasina in light of the technological developments required in higher
education. Thus, these materials will enable the university to provide a high-performance IT service to
students, teachers and administrative staff and will increase their access to scientific documentation,
such as digital libraries.

Currently, Ambatovy is experiencing major financial difficulties due to the nickel price on the global
market and technical problems in production. Nevertheless, the company continues to make its citizen
contribution, as much as possible, to support the development of the community in which it operates“,
said Ambatovy’s Vice-President Sustainability, Philippe Beaulne, during the handover of the servers.

This donation was implemented after the various projects relating to the Ambatovy-University of
Toamasina partnership were completed. These include the rehabilitation of classrooms of Master II
Professional students in development policy and management of extractive industries” and the training
in INCOTERMS (International Commercial Terms) provided by teachers from the University of
Toamasina to staff of the Interregional Mining Department in Toamasina.