One-two punch! Ambatovy continues to maximize the positive impacts of its activities in its intervention areas. Since 2017, in order to ensure the responsible management of used materials, the Company has provided the federation of the village associations FIMIAM with used timbers (including wooden crates, pallets, etc.) from its Mine. These used timbers contribute to improving the living conditions of the members of this association based in Ampitambe Moramanga, who use them partly for firewood, but also for sale with to support the development of their income-generating activities (purchase of seeds, inputs…). To valorize the waste wood, while increasing cash flow, the FIMIAM has processed part of the used wood into furniture (stools, tables…) since March 2019. This initiative helped create jobs for youth in the area; such as the recruitment of carpenters. The project looks promising since, well before the upcoming planned sale, a large number of customers have already placed their orders, according to FIMIAM’s president, Edmond Ratovonary.