We are pleased to announce that Ambatovy’s seventh annual Sustainability Report is now available on our website. The report provides information on our sustainability performance during 2016 and focuses on key areas of interest for Ambatovy’s stakeholders. This report addresses a range of economic, social and environmental issues and offers a detailed account of our operations and activities, challenges and successes for the year 2016.

As we continue to strive to meet the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards, we have increased the scope and detail of our reporting to include more on the following subjects:

  • Our efforts to align our work to support the achievement of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals in Madagascar;
  • Reinforcement and support for social and environmental interventions and activities in communities where we operate;
  • Our improved performance in the area of Health and Safety as well as our commitment to supporting a strong leadership culture and strengthening internal communication and dialogue.

As an annual publication, this report helps us evaluate our progress and improve our efforts to meet, and where possible exceed, our sustainability commitments. In the spirit of transparency, we are eager to share it. We hope it serves as a useful reference tool for you and welcome your feedback.

Please click here to download the report and send your comments and questions to media@ambatovy.mg 

2016 Sustainability Report English Version

2016 Sustainability Report English Version.