Press Releases
Ambatovy Handed Over Six Brand New Computers to the Regional Directorate of Public Health in Atsinanana
Toamasina, April 15, 2022 As part of its social commitments to the communities in its intervention areas, on April 15, 2022, Ambatovy handed over six brand new computers to the [...]
Signing of the collaboration agreement renewal between Ambatovy and Conservation International on the protection of the Ankerana forest massif.
Ambatovy and Conservation International signed the renewal of the collaboration agreement between the two parties concerning the protection of the Ankerana forest massif, on April 11, 2022, in Antananarivo. Renewed [...]
Covid-19: Ambatovy donated 2,000 Covid-19 rapid testing kits to SMIMO Moramanga
Moramanga, March 3, 2022 Ambatovy donated, on March 3, 2022, a batch of 2,000 Covid-19 rapid antigen testing kits to the Service Médical Inter-Entreprises of Moramanga (SMIMO) as part of [...]