Ambatovy continues to support members of women’s associations in its intervention areas in order to support their empowerment and improve their living standards. On November 4, 2021, the company donated kitchen utensils to the Kanto association of Ambavaniasy, in the Rural Commune of Ambatovola, in Moramanga, intended for the preparation and production of jams and chicken confit, one of its members’ income generating activities. The donation includes steel pots, stainless ladles and spoons, plastic bowls, a professional mill, a blender and plastic crates. Another women’s association, that of Torotorofotsy Menalamba, in the Rural Commune of Andasibe, received four sewing machines from Ambatovy on October 20, 2021. These sewing machines, both manual and electric, will help improve the production of handicrafts made by its members and sold on the local market.