incotermsAs part of the Public-Private Partnership, Ambatovy supported the capacity building of 11 engineers, technicians and administrative agents of the Inter-Regional Directorate of Mines and Petroleum in Toamasina.

The training, which took place from September 10 to 14, 2018, at the University of Toamasina, focused on International Commercial Terms (INCOTERMS), which are internationally recognized and are currently used by national and international operators to process documents for export and import. Their acquired skills, following this training provided by teachers from the University of Toamasina, will allow them to better appraise the valuation of all Malagasy mining product exports.

In addition to the financial support for the training, Ambatovy’s contributions also consisted of sharing experiences in this area with the staff of the Inter-Regional Directorate of Mines and Petroleum in Toamasina, while providing further information about Ambatovy and its activities.