In June 2014, Ambatovy further strengthened its commitment to the promotion of the respect for Human Rights in Madagascar by hosting a symposium in Antananarivo for the diplomatic, international business, and security communities.

The meeting focused on Public and Private Security operations in Madagascar. Representatives from the US State Department, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the NGO Search for Common Ground, and Ambatovy’s Security Department discussed initiatives undertaken by their respective organizations to promote respect for Human Rights in the Security sector. Ian Currie, Ambatovy Security Manager, presented various Ambatovy’ human rights initiatives and milestones within the context of the business world, and in line with the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights as well as the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights. The presentations were very well received and the interactive dialogue during the symposium offered the opportunity to share experiences and lessons learned.

Ambatovy looks forward to hosting or participating in this kind of initiative that promotes respect for human rights in Madagascar. A similar workshop was already organized in Toamasina in 2013 with local security forces.