Scientific Consultative Committee

To help Ambatovy fulfill its biodiversity commitments, an independent group of volunteer experts were brought together to form the Scientific Consultative Committee (SCC) in 2009. The committee members provide impartial advice to ensure that our environmental and social commitments are being met, and support the transparency of our actions.

The SCC’s Mandate

The SCC’s mandate is to help us:

  • Put in place adaptive, state-of-the-art environmental management plans to ensure compliance with the highest national and international standards throughout all of Ambatovy’s phases (Construction, Operations, and Closure);

  • Avoid, minimize, and mitigate environmental impacts and compensate for unavoidable residual impacts through the implementation of a multi-faceted biodiversity offsets program;

  • Anticipate and manage environmental risks through stakeholder engagement, public consultation, open communication, and addressing new and emerging environmental risks.

SCC Meetings are held once every 2 years in the November/December period. Usually held at Ambatovy’s offices in Antananarivo, the workshop extends for 3-4 days with a visit to the Mine, Plant, or one of our offset sites, depending on the specific objectives of the meeting. The group’s role is to provide strategic and technical advice, as well as feedback, on Ambatovy’s biodiversity and ecosystem services management strategies, in terms of both planned and implemented actions. The SCC helps guide Ambatovy in our effort to achieve no net loss, and preferably a net gain, of biodiversity while ensuring socioeconomic benefits for our local communities.

The SCC reports

You can view the latest SCC reports by following links below:

2019 report
2021 report
2023 report

Committee Members

The SCC the committee is composed of national and international professionals highly recognized in their respective fields. The various members of the SCC provide Ambatovy with valuable insight and guidance on issues relating to the sensitive environmental and social zones in which we operate. They help enhance our mitigation and offsetting activities, and our contribution to attaining long term and sustainable benefits for local communities and the environment.

Ratsimbazafy, Jonah
Ratsimbazafy, Jonah GERP (Groupe d’étude et de recherche sur les primates de Madagascar)
President of International Primatological Society (IPS), Secretary General of Groupe d’Etude et de Recherche sur les Primates de Madagascar (GERP) and Professor at University of Antananarivo. Expert in lemur ecology and conservation. Member of the SCC since 2009.

Van der Wal, Mark
Van der Wal, Mark IUCN National Committee of the Netherlands
Senior Ecologist and advisor on extractives at the IUCN Netherlands. Expert in natural resource governance, legal compliance monitoring & CSO engagement. Member of the SCC since 2015.
Fisher, Brian
Fisher, BrianCurator at California Academy of Science (CAS)
Expert in the diversity of ants and conservation. He coordinates two laboratories, one at CAS with students and staff, and the other in Madagascar at the Madagascar Biodiversity Center. Member of the SCC since 2009.

Partidario, Maria Rosario
Partidario, Maria Rosario Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Portugal
Associate Professor on Strategic approaches to environment and sustainability at the IST in Portugal. Expert in social and environmental assessment and sustainability, community engagement and ecosystem services. Member of the SCC since 2015.

Glos, Julian
Glos, JulianUniversity of Hamburg
Senior Researcher, Department of Animal Ecology and Conservation. Expert in Madagascan amphibians (frogs) and conservation matters. Member of the SCC since 2015.

Rajaspera, Bruno
Rajaspera, BrunoConservation International
Director of Projects at Conservation International. Expert in conservation and protected areas management and community-based natural resources management. Member of the SCC since 2009.

Andriamahenina, Fenosoa
Andriamahenina, FenosoaBioGuinea Foundation
As Executive Director of Tany Meva, Madagascar, he has been a Member of the SCC from 2009 to 2013. Since 2014, he has been leading the BioGuinea Foundation in Guinea Bissau, an Environmental fund dedicated to Conservation and Community Development. Member of the Conservation Finance Alliance, Expert in Conservation Trust Fund Governance and Management and in community development.

Rakotondravony, Daniel
Rakotondravony, Daniel Department of Animal Biology, University of Antananarivo
Professor and Laboratory Head for Terrestrial Animal Populations at University of Antananarivo. Expert in mammals of Madagascar. Member of the SCC since 2009.

Lowry, Porter
Lowry, Porter Missouri Botanical Garden (MBG)
Senior Curator and Director of the Africa & Madagascar Program at MBG. Expert in flora and vegetation of Madagascar, Offsetting and Mitigation, and the application of taxonomic information to conservation planning and management. Member of the SCC since 2009.

Freeman, Karen
Freeman, Karen Madagascar Fauna and Flora Group
Executive Director of Madagascar Fauna and Flora Group, has been working in Madagascar since 2004 heading a multi-faceted conservation program based in Toamasina. PhD in Conservation Ecology and Genetics, specialising in conservation management research and the control and mitigation of invasive species. Joined the SCC in 2019.