Toamasina, May 10, 2024

Positive outcome for the incubation program initiated by Ambatovy.

Positive and encouraging. The first eight months of implementing Ambatovy’s incubation program for around fifty young entrepreneurs from Alaotra Mangoro and Atsinanana have been successful. Nine companies have been officially registered and received their tax identification number as well as their statistical card (NIF/STAT). This program, launched in collaboration with the NGO Saint-Gabriel, La Fabrique, has allowed young entrepreneurs to register a significant increase in their turnover, within just six months of support. These young entrepreneurs also had the opportunity to showcase their respective products and enhance their visibility in the market by participating in 13 socio-economic events. Moreover, this program has contributed to the creation of over 120 temporary jobs in these regions, highlighting the economic dynamism offered by such an initiative. It is worth noting that the NGO Saint-Gabriel, La Fabrique will provide coaching and personalized training focused on business management, marketing, personal development, and entrepreneurial culture for two years.