As part of the monitoring and periodic assessment of the implementation of the company’s Environmental Management and Social Development Plan (PGEDS) along with the Specific Environmental Management Plans (PGES) that constitute the terms of reference regarding the environmental and social aspects, which are annexes of the Environmental Permit, Ambatovy received the visit of members from the inter-ministerial Technical Assessment Committee led by the National Environmental Office (ONE), from November 13 to 18, 2017.
During this second mission, these representatives of the Ministries and decentralized services visited the sites where the critically endangered Mantella aurantiaca frogs and fish species are being released, the assessment of the mitigation measures applied at the Tailings, and the storm and sewage water management at the Plant in Toamasina. In respect to the social plan, meeting with the base communities and the village co-operatives that are involved in the social program being supported by Ambatovy in the District of Brickaville, Moramanga and Toamasina II, the visit to the resettlement village in Vohitrambato, and questions related to the support program intended for the farmers of Ambolomaro and Moramanga are on the agenda.
This visit of the Technical Assessment Committee and the National Environmental Office is part of the regular compliance assessments established in the terms of reference. In addition, it is somewhat an audit of the annual report submitted by Ambatovy to the ONE and a compliance audit with the PGEDS and PGES.
Apart from this audit that was conducted by the National Regulator, Ambatovy also receives the audits of the Independent Engineers, mandated by the lending banks to check its compliance with the IFC Performance Standards and the Equator Principles.

The Technical Assessment Committee Team members