In line with its commitment to sustainable development in the communities in which the company operates, Ambatovy launched a partnership with the Toamasina Cultural and Social Centre (CCS) for the recycling of waste timber on May 19, 2015. The partnership aims at promoting job-creating and income-generating activities for the disadvantaged youth in Ambatovy’s host regions in order to strengthen Ambatovy’s positive impact on the local economy.
“As a responsible company, committed to contribute to the development of its host communities, Ambatovy completely adheres to the principle of recycling used materials, as they represent a useful, beneficial and safe means for the communities,” said Isabelle Teboul, Manager, Sustainability at Ambatovy, Toamasina.
The average 200m3 of timber, that could be given to the CCS on a monthly basis will be processed into new materials and equipment as well as products for everyday use, such as school benches, furniture and chip briquettes that can be used as fuel in order to help reduce charcoal use. This collaboration will also enable the CCS to expand its activities in the training of local students, including the disadvantaged youth from neighborhoods around Toamasina, by using the wood for the Centre’s carpentry students’ projects. These young people will thus be able to learn a trade and find jobs in the future or create their own small businesses.
Ambatovy will also provide training sessions and mentorship follow-ups that are reinforced by business advice in terms of Quality, Health & Safety, Environment, Labor Law, Finance, Anti-Corruption and Business Ethics will also be provided to the CCS as part of its program to support local businesses through the Ambatovy local Business Initiative (ALBI).
It should be noted that in addition to the Cultural and Social Centre in Anjoma, Toamasina, Ambatovy also gives used wood from the Plant to the EPPs (Public primary schools) of Amboakarivo and of Tanandava, Toamasina, for making school benches.

Waste timber from Ambatovy is recycled into various furniture by the CCS