In order to better prepare operators to cope with any possible dangerous situations in the field in a safe way, and to help familiarize them with heavy and sophisticated equipment used at its Mine Site in Moramanga, Ambatovy has incorporated the use of a ThoroughTec driving simulator, equipped with CYBERMINE4 technology, in its training curriculum for both new and veteran operators. The new equipment was inaugurated on Friday, February 24, 2017, at Ambatovy’s Mine Site in Moramanga, by Ying Vah Zafilahy, Minister in Charge of Mines and Petroleum, attached to the Presidency, and Louis Roland-Gosselin, Vice President of Sustainability at Ambatovy.
“Ambatovy is currently entering a phase where low-grade ore is operated. In order to maintain and increase the production volume of refined nickel, we have expanded our heavy equipment fleet, and recruited several dozens of additional Malagasy workers. Indeed, material movement is expected to increase by 250% over the next three years to achieve similar levels of production,” said Louis Roland-Gosselin, Ambatovy’s Vice President of Sustainability. “The training of employees is of paramount importance to Ambatovy since it will allow us to have a skilled and more efficient workforce for better performance. The use of this high-tech training simulator will contribute to the achievement of Ambatovy’s objective, which is to quickly become the best nickel laterite operator at the lowest cost”, he continued.
Operational since early February 2017, this training tool, which major mining companies around the world have chosen for its efficiency and high levels of realism in simulated exercises, will enable Ambatovy to develop its employees’ skills while attaining maximum productivity. The ThoroughTec CYBERMINE4 simulator allows operators to repeatedly practice difficult maneuvers on different roads at Ambatovy’s Mine Site without the possibility of vehicle damage or personal injury.

ThoroughTec driving simulator