Thirteen volunteer employees from Ambatovy’s Corporate Social Responsibility Department became HIV/AIDS peer educators in July. Since 2009, Ambatovy has increased its employee awareness sessions in line with its efforts to fight against HIV/AIDS. These sessions are aimed at empowering employees so that they can share their knowledge with people in their communities, as well as with Ambatovy colleagues. These 13 volunteers join 40 other HIV/AIDS peer educators from Ambatovy’s Mine Site in Moramanga. The new recruits received training on HIV/AIDS and STD prevention from July 5 to 7, in collaboration with the Non-governmental Organisation, Fianakaviana Sambatra (FISA), in line with the program set out by the National Committee for the Fight against Aids (CNLS). Ambatovy aims to enroll 5% of its employees in this peer educator project over time.