As part of its compensation program for the land and rice field owners who were impacted by the Mine’s construction, Ambatovy has built a rice field area known as Ambolomaro, in the Rural Municipality of Ambohibary, Moramanga, and has supported the owners with agricultural inputs and technical support. The harvest was promising during the last agricultural season at this resettlement place for the impacted rice field owners insofar as a rice yield of two tonnes per hectare was met. The traditional harvest ceremony, called “Santabary” or “Milaho,” also intended to rename the area in Ambarimoro, in which Ambatovy participated in in early May 2017, was an opportunity for the rice growers in Ambolomaro, the host community, and the relocated people to celebrate this event with the local authorities and agents within the decentralized technical services. Villagers in Ambolomaro will start off-season cultivation soon and will receive technical support.