To strengthen the activities undertaken earlier, Ambatovy continues its reforestation efforts with its employees this year. Recently, on February 22, 23 and 24, the company has conducted reforestation operations in Antanimietrikely, located in the southern area of the mine in Moramanga. To mark the Forest International Year, Ambatovy already undertook reforestation in Antanimietrikely in February 2011; mobilizing more than 250 employees and planting 1,931 seedlings.

This means positive results for the company which recorded a survival rate of 75% of the plants, which reached 49 cm as of February 2012 with a high degree of strength. Management of the reforestation and restoration areas will be done in collaboration with grass roots community groups. To come back to the last February reforestation event, 174 Mine employees have contributed to the planting of 1,616 seedlings of 31 species native to the surrounding forests.

The three days were used to introduce employees to the techniques of reforestation, site preparation for afforestation and the arrangement of selected species so that plantations could eventually resemble natural forests. This was an opportunity for employees to visit the large scale industrial nursery of Ambatovy where seeds and seedlings are prepared and processed for the mine rehabilitation, and also, understand the environmental management activities (carried out by the Environment Department) of the company through poster presentation sessions during those days. The best growers were also rewarded.