2013 Sustainability Report - Ambatovy
Support to Former Workers
The Assistance Initiative for Demobilized Employees (AIDE) program, which was established in 2011 to assist demobilized
construction workers at Ambatovy to find new vocations, was completed in 2013. Between 2011 and 2013, nearly 20,000
individuals involved in construction benefitted from monthly payments over an average period of 11 months. Training in
agriculture and assistance in job searching were also provided. Approximately $6.7 million was paid out under the AIDE
Ambatovy's AIDE program gained international recognition for best practice. The Company was invited to present its
innovative approach to retrenchment at one of the world’s largest mining conferences that took place in 2013.
Labour-Management Relations
We continuously look for ways to develop, acknowledge and engage with our workforce to ensure continued growth, sustainable
results and the fulfillment of our vision. We also strive to maintain an environment where people feel comfortable with
communicating issues and concerns.
The Work Council is one way that employees can present issues via their employee representative. The Work Council is
comprised of 24 employee representatives who meet on a regular basis to ensure continual, effective communication with
management. It functions as a platform for negotiation, dialogue and collaboration within the Company.
We are committed to providing and maintaining equal opportunities for job applicants, regardless of their ethnicity, religion, age,
gender, marital status or sexual orientation. By recruiting on a competitive basis, Ambatovy aims to select the best candidate
for each job. While our goal is to boost local access to jobs, our policy is to offer positions to the best qualified candidate based
on employment-related indicators. The selection process is based on measurable criteria, such as technical, behavioural and
linguistic testing.
All employees are expected to reject any form of discrimination or harassment, as explained in our Code of Conduct and
Employee Handbook. There is an identified investigation and disciplinary procedure for any instances when a complaint of
discrimination or harassment is made.