Ambatovy eBooks - page 66

About This Report
Report Boundary
This report covers Ambatovy and the departments and
initiatives directly under its control. As a joint venture private
entity, there are no other groups, subsidiaries, leased
facilities, joint ventures, suppliers or other bodies that fall
under Ambatovy’s jurisdiction. The report has drawn the
majority of data from internal sources, but when relevant or
feasible, we have included Project-wide data that includes
indicator information from the Engineering, Procurement
and Construction Manager and sub-contractors related to
In the period under review, Ambatovy had not yet begun
operations. The separation of construction from operational
management has presented a particular challenge for
the collection of timely and complete data. For example,
construction has required that we have a number of sub-
contractors on site. While we may exert influence over
their sustainability-related actions through certain site
requirements, we are not able to control their internal
organizational decisions. Furthermore, we want to preserve
the comparability of data for future reports, in which case
construction-phase information may be irrelevant. For
this reason, we have reported on activities and initiatives
managed by the operations group. If particular data are
related to initiatives or actions undertaken by construction
management in addition to operational management, we have
clarified this by footnote or directly in the text.
Data Measurement Techniques
Each department uses its own data collection and
measurement techniques oriented towards its particular
objectives and requirements. For example, the financial
accounting procedures are calculated using industry
standards. Where appropriate, we have noted our calculation
method and/or factors. However, it is not practical to describe
in detail all of the techniques used. Therefore, Ambatovy
would be pleased to respond to specific requests for more
information relating to data measurement techniques.
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