Ambatovy eBooks - page 19

Text Environmental Performance
One of Ambatovy’s key goals is to minimize the impact on
Madagascar’s environment. With regard to biodiversity,
the aim is to achieve no net loss and, preferably, a net
gain. We plan to accomplish these goals by rigorous
mitigation techniques such as avoidance, timely restoration
of a sustainable landscape, minimization of risks and
offsetting residual impacts. Throughout 2011, we developed
environmental management plans for the different operational
components including the mine, pipeline, processing plant,
port and tailings facility.
Specific biodiversity goals have been established to ensure
we meet our vision of operating a sustainable and responsible
business in Madagascar. These goals and associated key
performance indicators (KPIs) are periodically assessed
and adapted based on consultation and data gathered from
monitoring programs. The KPIs are directly linked to national and
international standards, including IFC Performance Standards
and the BBOP standard.
Similar objectives were defined for the physical aspects of air,
water and noise. For each component, quality objectives were
established considering existing background levels, Malagasy
regulations, and published international standards. A rigorous
monitoring program has been put into place to determine if
these objectives are being met. The program is reviewed and
updated in response to monitoring results, project development,
consultation and experiences acquired.
AWaste Management Plan for the processing plant has been
developed to ensure that the collection, storage, transportation
and disposal of all waste generated by Ambatovy will be
conducted in a safe, efficient and environmentally-responsible
manner. Waste is minimized through practices intended to
reduce, reuse and recycle waste.
Ambatovy has and will continue to evaluate technically and
financially sound options to improve efficiencies and in turn
reduce negative environmental impacts.
Major challenges encountered
Challenges en route to resolution
Good progress made toward goal
Environmental Performance GOALS
Put in place an adaptive environmental management
system that ensures compliance throughout construction,
operations and closure.
Implement a best-practice mitigation hierarchy aimed at
avoiding, restoring, minimizing and offsetting impacts.
Manage environmental risks by enhancing stakeholders’
involvement through public consultations to maintain
project transparency and receive timely input on emerging
environmental issues.
Implement a Biodiversity Management Plan that aims
to achieve no net loss and, preferably, a net gain in
2011 Results
In 2011, site-specific environmental management plans for
the operations period were completed and submitted to
the ONE. After a review by the ONE’s Technical Evaluation
Committee, the Plant Management Plan was accepted and a
signature ceremony was held at the plant in November. Other
management plans will follow the technical review and be put
forward for final acceptance in 2012.
Following an incident during which land was cleared too
quickly to allow the maximum natural movement of animals
from the clearing areas to the conservation areas, we
refined the forest clearing method and updated our Job
Environment Analysis procedure at the mine to minimize
impacts on flora and fauna.
Much of Ambatovy’s environmental mitigation and monitoring
is done in partnership with national and international NGOs.
This provides transparency and third-party input. Our CSR
and Communications teams work with the Environment team
to ensure there is dialogue with stakeholders on a range
of issues, including the environment. In particular, this year
we renewed and signed agreements with five communities
around the mine to collaborate on management of the
Torotorofotsy Wetlands.
A Biodiversity Management Plan has been in place since
2007. A comprehensive Biodiversity Action Plan will be
developed in 2012 in accordance with IFC Performance
Standard 6 to deliver a net gain in biodiversity through
measurable objectives for the operations and closure
Management Approach to Environmental Sustainability
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