Ambatovy eBooks - page 5

State of conducted archaeological work
Jean Aimé Rakotoarisoa, Professor - Institut de Civilisations/Musée d’Art et d’Archéologie,
University of Antananarivo
“We will try to deliver the first results of the 5-year archaeological work conducted by Ambatovy in its
intervention areas during construction. This session meets two requirements: bringing back information
to this learning institution, the Malagasy Academy; getting outside opinions. This explains the presence
of fellow national archaeologists and historians as well as Professor Claude Allibert and Professor Robert
Dewar, who both have been working for decades on Madagascar.
This session should also put an end to rumors, whether benevolent or malevolent, on our findings and
management of the sites and artifacts. At the end of the day, the information becomes public but remains
the property of their authors.
Before our work begun, many sites provided evidence that supported the late arrival of the latest wave
of Austronesian migrants in the Bay of Antongil, before beginning to migrate to the Central Highlands.
Their passage was marked by the site of Vohidrazana I, west of Fénérive and Vohidrazana II located near
The speakers will therefore present the different aspects of these sites, based on their cultural evolution
according to the phases involved. The best known areas are Fénérive, Foulpointe, Tamatave, Ambodisiny
and Farafaty. Other than Ambodisiny, they date from a recent era corresponding to the development of
trade and deals with foreign countries.
From 2005, the year of commencement of the work, the challenge has seemed impossible to face. Not
enough qualified archaeologists are available. However, a solution has been found through collaboration
with university colleagues, with whom we have established working arrangements, including their best
First of all, we conducted an exploratory study to identify the potentially affected sites in order to see how
they would be affected by the work. Still, some sites were only identified at the time of clearing, which is
the last step before the imminent arrival of bulldozers. In these fortunately rare cases, discussions were held
with the construction companies, but the last word goes to the archaeologists who secure the perimeter
with bright colour strips. Construction companies must deviate from such locations or wait until the
archaeological works are complete.
Presentations will follow to give you an initial idea of the work. So I ask you to be patient, to be fairly
tolerant, but not to be obliging. If you feel that we have ignored or overlooked any important steps, feel
free to let us know. We will listen to all your remarks and comments.”
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