Ambatovy eBooks - page 56

The Offset Design Process
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study – Ambatovy Project
Boundary definition: delimitation of the Ankerana offset boundaries (see Figure 10). The mapping has been
presented to the local communities, regional authorities and partner NGOs. Several awareness campaigns
have enabled presentation of this information to remote habitations around the proposed offset site. The
campaigns will be repeated twice per year at key periods i.e. before and during the traditional clearing
period (with police enforcement against passing the boundary). Results if the campaigns to date indicate
that Ankerana has been extremely isolated for a long time and people had no idea of forest laws restricting
forest clearance.
Zoning: the current land uses have been described and will be integrated with the offset design in 2009.
Reforestation activities: continuation of reforestation on the periphery of the proposed offset; this has
focused mainly on planting construction wood to avoid primary forest logging in the core offset area.
Support (financial and logistic) for updating of the Marserana commune’s five year Communal
Development Plan. This commune covers the offset area. Discussions with a second commune,
Andahamana have begun; this commune includes a small fraction of the offset area and will also be
assisted with updating of its five year plan.
Integration of Ankerana with the SAPM: a technical committee meeting with SAPM was used to discuss
the integration of the offset site into the national protected areas network.
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