Ambatovy eBooks - page 31

Business Case for a Biodiversity Offset
BBOP Pilot Project Case Study – Ambatovy Project
In summary, Ambatovy believes that its offset programme will bring about the following advantages:
Continuing access to land and capital;
Increasing investor confidence and loyalty;
Reducing risks and liabilities;
Strengthening relationships with local communities, government regulators, environmental groups and
other stakeholders;
Building trust on a credible reputation for environmental and biodiversity related management performance
and winning a ‘social license to operate’;
Increasing ‘regulatory goodwill’ which leads to faster permitting;
Influencing emerging environmental regulation and policy;
Developing more cost effective means of complying with increasingly stringent environmental regulations;
Taking advantage of ‘first mover’ benefits in the marketplace Madagascar;
Maximising strategic opportunities in the new markets and businesses emerging as biodiversity offsets
become more widespread; and
Improving staff loyalty.
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