Ambatovy is committed to ensuring that the transfer of
any infrastructure investments to the public or a managing
authority is carried out in a sustainable manner. Technical
support is offered (via our CSR Department) to numerous
bodies, including community associations, public health
authorities and education actors. We also have a significant
environmental commitment, which includes investing in
economic alternatives for local communities dependent upon
unsustainable use of natural resources. The table below
shows our overall social and environment budgets for the
years 2010 and 2011, which represent the program and
service investment we have made in our local communities
and their surroundings. Details on these initiatives listed
above and other specific programs can be found in our
Environmental, Social and Labour Performance sections.
Community and Environmental Investments
Market Presence
Local Job Creation and Recruitment
Ambatovy remains firmly committed to maximizing
employment opportunities for locals. We endeavour to attract
local talent and invest in the development of our workforce. For
operations, we expect to employ 2,500 direct employees with
an additional 3,500 jobs held by sub-contractors, of which over
85% are expected to be Malagasy. As of December 2011:
77% national employees for total workforce.
91% national employees for direct operations
While all senior management (executive or director) roles
are currently held by expatriates, almost 11% of national
operations employees hold a supervisory position that
involves developing the competencies of other employees
under their management.
Local Suppliers
In 2011, local procurement policies and programs were
among our key accomplishments. During construction, we
created the Ambatovy Local Business Initiative (ALBI) to
support local businesses and entrepreneurs. In June of 2011,
ALBI was transferred from our CSR Department to our Supply
Chain Management group to increase its ability to facilitate
local procurement. With this closer working relationship came
improved synergies and a number of exciting initiatives were
the result.
Anti-Corruption Training
Last year, Ambatovy’s Supply Chain team approached
BIANCO, Madagascar’s independent anti-corruption agency,
to implement an anti-corruption training for its procurement
and contracts staff. By the end of the year, 194 of our
employees had completed the training and 79% of Supply
Chain Management employees had completed the training.
The program is set to continue into 2012. The aim is to
facilitate fair sourcing of goods and services and encourage
our suppliers to maintain the highest business ethics
Supplier Conferences
In 2011, Ambatovy implemented a new program of
conferences, which targeted local companies not currently
registered as suppliers. The purpose was to inform companies
about Ambatovy’s mission, objectives and expectations, as
well as to provide information on how to become a supplier.
Over 330 companies participated in these sessions, which
were held in Toamasina, Moramanga and Antananarivo.
Supplier Training Days
In addition to supplier conferences, ALBI organized four
training sessions for companies already registered as
Ambatovy suppliers, which provided information on
Ambatovy’s expectations related to quality control and
delivery of goods and services. Over 160 enterprises were
represented at the four sessions.
Economic Performance
Based on manpower headcount, December 2011, which includes construction employees and sub-contractors.
Based on direct operations employees headcount, December 2011.